Visual information processes 60,000 times faster in the brain than text. Academic Accelerator is AI-driven Content Recommendation & Course Authoring Engine that contextualizes millions of content.
- 10 lac + Video Repository
- Mind mapping Technique
- Access to Multiple Choice Questions
- Visual Illustrations
- High value, economical cost!!
Not everybody is born as an Entrepreneur. But a burning desire to achieve or create something of your own can drive you to be one. This is designed for those who can inculcate that interest and grow into an Entrepreneur and also a leader.
Modules on 4D
- Desire
- Determination
- Decision
- Discipline
- Transform the Child into a “Leader”
- Build positive traits
- Webinar Sessions on Leadership from MasterCoach
- Action Journal Plan – To cultivate the interest into a passion
2020 is a highly technological year and with easy passing minute, there is a new development in the Technological space. The potential of Ed-Tech opportunities has highlighted itself and is displaying the potential it has in showing “Education” in a completely different light than what we have seen before.
Millennials & Gen Z are the most important categories of individuals to get a taste of what Technology can do in their everyday lives. To give the Gen Z a smooth transition into the world of Technology, we have devised to impart thinking skills with the aid of Technology.
- Problem Solving thinking through AI technology
- Design Thinking through AR & VR Technology
- Creative Thinking through 3D Modeling